Notre Soleil entraîne un flux constant de plasma, ou gaz ionisé, appelé vent solaire, qui enveloppe notre système solaire.
3 septembre 2024Le Réseau Atlantico
Best-Of du 8 au 14 mars
Michael Louis Stevens is an astrophysicist at the Center for Astrophysics and a physics educator specializing in peer learning models. He studies the evolution and interaction of plasmas in space, presently through experiments on board NASA's first mission into our Sun's corona, the Parker Solar Probe. His work has implications for the Sun-Earth connection, space weather forecasting, the safety of space travel, and the prospect of life on other worlds. He is a recipient of the NASA Silver Achievement Medal and has received special recognition for contributions to mission success.
Notre Soleil entraîne un flux constant de plasma, ou gaz ionisé, appelé vent solaire, qui enveloppe notre système solaire.
3 septembre 2024